
You’ve just taken a call from your agent: they booked an audition for you, but unfortunately the venue is across the country, and your train ticket is expensive. It’s an early start so you need to book a hotel room too. You warily add up your expenses………   This is an all too familiar situation. … Continue reading “Actors Tax Deductible Expenses – What You Can Claim To Reduce Your Tax”

It has been widely reported in the media that Making Tax Digital has been cancelled with even Equity announcing on Facebook that it is down to successful lobbying by them.   Unfortunately, this isn’t the end of Making Tax Digital and it would be foolish to think otherwise.   Making tax Digital has been dropped … Continue reading “Has Making Tax Digital Been Scrapped?”

Today is the start of the 2017-18 tax year. Whilst most of the world quite sensibly uses the calendar year, the United Kingdom tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April. This is all to do with Pope Gregory Xiii way back in 1582 and the use of the ‘Julian’ calendar, but we won’t bore you … Continue reading “Happy New Tax Year! Here Are Your New Personal Tax Rates For 2017-18”

Many self-employed actors and other creatives starting out in their career will also have a part-time job to pay the bills. It is important to make sure that you are paid the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage depending on their age. The National Minimum Wage is the minimum hourly pay most workers are entitled to be … Continue reading “National Minimum Wage & National Living Wage Increases from 1 April 2017”

We have been asked this question many times over the years, and its a common misconception that child actors and all other child performers do not have to pay tax. Income tax in the UK is charged on an individuals income and tax legislation does not mention anything about the age of the individual. Children, … Continue reading “Do Child Actors have to pay tax in the UK?”

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